Letter from Jackie Hird
Licensed Lay Minister at Otley Parish Church
How was your Summer? Did you manage to get some rest and relaxation and enjoy some sunshine? Did you enjoy some time away from your normal activities to recharge? Or perhaps the interruption in normal routines during the holiday season left you with longer than usual days and less company. I know some have welcomed a new baby into their family, whilst others have experienced the pain of losing a loved one.
Now it is September, and we are on our way to Autumn. For younger families the main event is the start of a new term with transitions to new classes, meeting new teachers and maybe even new schools. You may have family members who are experiencing this. We have several members of our church family going to school for the very first time. Or for older ones it is the huge leap that is going to university. We hope that all these adjustments go well for all involved.
Although it’s a while since I had a child at school, I still live life according to the “terms”. September still feels like a new year to me. A chance to review what is ahead and consider what new things I wish to embark on, what old things I want to do better and what things I need to let go. Judging by the brochures posted through our letterbox advertising day and evening classes I am not alone, as others seek new opportunities. I could learn to crochet or learn to paint with water colours or begin to learn Japanese. I won’t be doing any of them!
If you, like me, have a new year feel and are considering new activities perhaps you might like to look closer to home. Do you have a friendly disposition, a ready smile and attend our morning service regularly. Well, we would love to have you as part of our Welcome and Hospitality team either as a welcomer or preparing and serving refreshments. Or how about offering to help with Sunday Club? There are “Teaching Assistant” roles available, so you don’t need to lead, but be present as a supportive grown up. Or here is a vacancy many of us have the skills for – the cleaning team. You just need a basic level of fitness and a servant heart. Dusters and toilet cleaner are provided!
So, new term and new me! Except it’s still the old me just wanting to do better and probably by day three realising I am failing already! Thank goodness for a chance to repent and start afresh every day. I am grateful to be following Jesus who loves me and knows my weaknesses and delights in lending me His strength. One area I am going to try to do better with is “Sacred”, the daily bible reading scheme some of us are following. If like me, you have fallen behind over the summer then why not join me and jump back on board. Don’t waste energy feeling like you have failed, just have another go and let’s discover what God might be saying to us, both individually and as a Church in this new term. Speak Lord, for we are listening.