Serving drinks and light refreshments.
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This monthly service of Holy Communion is based on Common Worship, with a short talk and no hymns.
This service will be held in church but also live streamed for those who prefer to join in from home. We would love to see you in church if you are able to be there. Refreshments will be served after the service.
The live stream will be be available from 10.30am (or anytime after that), via the Otley Parish Church YouTube Channel
Our monthly service for those who like their worship to be lively, informal and reflective – with something for all ages. Usually on the 1st Sunday of the month (apart from August and December). Stay for pizzas after this service.
ACTIVATE has had a few different formats over the years – but in essence it is a more flexible time where we can sing, chat, pray and share food!
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This weekly service of Holy Communion is fairly short with no singing.
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A SAFE SPACE where you can come and drop in to enjoy refreshments, board games and company. Open House is also an official Otley ‘Warm Space’. A full list of Otley Warm Spaces is available here.
An informal group where parents and carers with pre-school children can meet for play, crafts, singing and conversation. Meets weekly during school term time.
Suggested donation £1 – exact money please.
Any questions contact Eileen 07870 112885 or Jean 07765 285710
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An informal group where parents and carers with babies (0 to 1 year) can meet others and enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit or two! No need to book just pop in – come when you can, go when you need to. A small donation towards coffee costs is always welcome.
Meets weekly during school term time.
Any questions contact Eileen 07870 112885 or Jean 07765 285710
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Serving drinks and light refreshments.
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Contact Lynne Barber 01943 466493 for more information. All welcome
This Communion Service will be held in church but also live streamed for those who prefer to join in from home. We would love to see you in church if you are able to be there. Refreshments will be served after the service.
The live stream will be be available from 10.30am on Sunday (or anytime after that), via the Otley Parish Church YouTube Channel
Further detail for Craftynuts, including which crafts the group will be focusing on, is available from Lynne Barber: 01943 466493. All welcome.
Newall Ladies Fellowship is a group of ladies who meet at 2.00pm on the second Monday of the month. We start with a short act of worship including a hymn, reading and prayer. For the main part of the meeting we have a visiting speaker. We conclude with a social time when we enjoy a chat whilst sharing light refreshments of tea or coffee and cake/biscuits.
Visitors are always welcome. More details from Val Tait: 01943 464032
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This weekly service of Holy Communion is fairly short with no singing.
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A SAFE SPACE where you can come and drop in to enjoy refreshments, board games and company. Open House is also an official Otley ‘Warm Space’. A full list of Otley Warm Spaces is available here.
An informal group where parents and carers with pre-school children can meet for play, crafts, singing and conversation. Meets weekly during school term time.
Suggested donation £1 – exact money please.
Any questions contact Eileen 07870 112885 or Jean 07765 285710
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An informal group where parents and carers with babies (0 to 1 year) can meet others and enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit or two! No need to book just pop in – come when you can, go when you need to. A small donation towards coffee costs is always welcome.
Meets weekly during school term time.
Any questions contact Eileen 07870 112885 or Jean 07765 285710
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The group is open to anyone that would like to come. It will be similar to a House Group and meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month (except December).
There will be time to chat, study and pray and maybe even a sing together if we have a musician in the group who could lead us in a hymn or chorus – all in an informal way.
Meeting in The Chestnuts followed by a cuppa and biscuits. Please let me know if you are interested in coming so that I know how many biscuits to bring!
Stewart Hartley:
Serving drinks and light refreshments.
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